Crisis in Australia’s wine industry
From: Tuesday April 23, 2024, 5:30 pm
To: Tuesday April 23, 2024, 6:30 pm
AARES SA Branch - Crisis in Australia’s wine industry
The AARES SA Branch is formally inviting members and non-members to a talk by Professor Kym Anderson AC titled ‘Crisis in Australia’s Wine Industry: Origins, Hiccups, and Possible Ways Forward’. The discussants will be Professor Julian Alston and Mr Tony Love. The event will be on Tuesday 23 April from 5:30 to 6:30pm at the Department for Industry, Innovation, and Science of South Australia (Kaurna Room, Level 4, 11 Waymouth St, Adelaide), and there will be networking and light refreshments after the seminar. This event will also be broadcast live via Zoom.
Please register for this free event HERE at least one day in advance.
Kym Anderson is George Gollin Professor Emeritus at the University of Adelaide and the founding Executive Director of its Wine Economics Research Centre. He is also an Honorary Professor of Economics at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy, and Vice-President of the American Association of Wine Economists, and Co-Editor of its Journal of Wine Economics. He has also worked also at the GATT (now WTO) Secretariat in Geneva (1990-92) and at the World Bank as Lead Economist (Trade Policy) during 2004–07. During 2000–05, he served as a non-executive Director on the Board of Australia’s Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (now part of Wine Australia). Since graduating from the University of Chicago and Stanford University, he has published around 50 books and more than 350 academic journal articles or chapters in others’ edited books, plus dozens of articles in wine industry journals. His wine books include Which Winegrape Varieties are Grown Where? A Global Empirical Picture (University of Adelaide Press, 2013 and revised 2020), Growth and Cycles in Australia’s Wine Industry: A Statistical Compendium, 1843 to 2013 (University of Adelaide Press, 2015), The International Economics of Wine (World Scientific, 2020), Wine Globalization: A New Comparative History (Cambridge University Press, 2018), and Global Wine Markets, 1860 to 2016: A Statistical Compendium (University of Adelaide Press, 2018). The latter two were co-winners of the 2018 prize for the best wine economics books awarded by the Paris-based Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV). The first edition of the Which Winegrape Varieties … book won the 2014 OIV Prize in the best viticulture books category. All the University of Adelaide Press books are freely downloadable as ebooks (as are their underlying data) at He is a recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Economics degree from the University of Adelaide and a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of New England. In 2015 he became a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC), in part for his contribution to the grape and wine industry.
Distinguished Professor Julian Alston, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Director of the Wine Economics Center at the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science at the University of California, Davis (see
Tony Love, Wine Journalist and South Australia’s Wine Ambassador for the Asian region for the SA Department for Trade and Investment (see
Date and Time:
Tuesday, April 23 · 5:30 - 6:30pm ACST
level 4, 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
Level 4
11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5012