South Australia

Member Benefits


Benefits of membership include:

  • Membership of Australia’s largest professional economics association
  • Free access to lunchtime seminars on topical economic and public policy issues
  • Early notice of society events and seminars
  • Access to professional colleagues in the corporate, public, academic and student domains
  • Periodic newsletters advertising forthcoming events such as the lunchtime seminars, major functions, the annual Economic Society Conference etc
  • Discounts to all Branch and national Society events
  • Tax deductibility of your membership contribution (in most cases)
  • Access to our on-line Publications (for those that subscribe)*

*Members of the Society may elect to receive four copies of the Economic Record and/or four copies of Economic Papers each year.

The Economic Record is Australia’s leading academic economics research journal, whilst the Economic Papers provides more general articles on topical policy, economic and business issues.

Women in Economics Network (WEN)

The Women in Economics Network (WEN) has been formed to promote and support the careers of female economists in Australia. WEN is associated with the Economic Society of Australia (ESA). 

The objectives for the Women in Economics Network are to:

  • professionally connect and support the career development of women in economics
  • increase the representation of women at all levels of the economics profession
  • promote public contributions by female economists
  • encourage young women to study economics.

WEN membership is open to anyone with an interest in economics and/or gender equality issues. We welcome economists and other professionals from any sector including academia, government, business, community groups and teaching, or members of the public who share WEN's objectives.

You can become a member of WEN by joining your State/Territory branch of the Economic Society of Australia (ESA) and opting into WEN as part of your ESA membership. WEN membership is free with your ESA membership.

Men are welcome and encouraged to support WEN's cause by becoming a member of WEN. Some of WEN's activities are targeted specifically for women (such as the Women in Economics Retreat, mentoring programs and media register) but most of WEN's events are open to all participants.

Young Economists

The Society welcomes young economists, being keen to foster academic pursuits and the future of its own membership. In this regard, young economists have special events and are offered discounted membership.

Special membership rates are available to economists under the age of 40* or in their first 10 years of their career. Apart from participating in the entire range of Society activities and receiving its newsletter, membership also enables ‘young economists’ attend special events, tap into employment prospects and discuss real economic issues complementing their formal academic studies. 

*Age varies by branch

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